The International Alliance of Dietary and Food Supplements Associations (IADSA) is an international body bringing together food supplement associations & companies from six continents.

We’ve been working with IADSA for over two decades. In this time, we have designed and built several iterations of the IADSA website, and developed a range of online tools and resources to support the organisation in its operations and help engage its membership . These have included a member extranet, bespoke databases for tracking legislation around botanicals and health claims, an events platform, and a collection of virtual ‘Mind the Gap’ online stories designed to communicate the benefits of supplementation in a compelling and visually exciting way.

We’ve also worked extensively with IADSA in developing their brand identity, and provided a wide range of graphic design services including:

  • Design and layout of scientific and technical publications
  • Styling of member communications, including ‘IADSA Connect’ magazine, ‘Focus’ newsletter and branded email templates
  • Development of social media assets and e-card campaigns
  • Corporate stationary development (business cards, email signatures, letterheads)
  • Development of identities and materials for the IADSA annual meeting


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