About us

We make our own sunshine at Bubblegate.

Looking for a website, branding or design? In our experience, you’ll probably have an initial project in mind but you’ll be looking for a long-term partnership.

At Bubblegate, we do long-term pretty well. Partners have been coming back to us since 1984, when print was everything and Torvill and Dean were at their peak. We’ve adapted to each new era, moving smoothly through web design and development, to bespoke software, apps and databases, including Qunote, our own market-leading case-management system.

We’re based in Kent and work with local SMEs, larger corporates in London and internationally, and many trade associations in the UK and Brussels.

Trade associations love us because they struggle to find a web design and development agency that really gets what they need. That’s an ability to meet deadlines, great communication, flexibility and an understanding of how to engage policymakers, media and the public through design.

Got a custom development project? With our experience in design, we know that no matter how complex a project is, it must look great and be a pleasure to use. That’s why we’re big on user experience.

Meet the team.

Melanie Davidson

Head of Operations

Ross Brown

Chief Technical Officer

Chris Norris

Creative Director

Tom Lloyd


Charlie Knox


Gemma Love

Operations Executive

Harry Watersmith

Operations Assistant

Roger Watersmith

Founder & Director

Contact us

We'll bring your project to life